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Umculo weMania Camp

Ingabe wake wacabanga ukuthi ama-noodle e-pool, amabhola okuzivocavoca, ama-gutter emvula, nama-parachute angenza umculo? Nokho, bangakwazi! Lezi zinto ezijwayelekile zizoba izinsimbi zomculo phakathi nekamu le-Music Mania. Abakhambi kufanele balindele ukusebenza kakhulu njengoba sihlanganisa ukuqina kwe-cardio nomculo othokozisayo ovela emhlabeni wonke. Umculo uthungela zonke izigaba zokukhula kwengane kanye namakhono, okuhlanganisa ubuhlakani, imizwa yezenhlalo, ukunyakaza, ulimi, kanye nolwazi lokufunda nokubhala kukonke. Le nkambu isingathwe ngu-Dara, ongumnikazi we- Music Bird Studios. Lungela uku-Shake, ukuRattle, nokugingqa indlela yakho uye kusikhathi esihle!

Le nkambu inconyelwe iminyaka engu-4-8.

Qiniseka ukuthi ubhalisela i-e-newsletter yethu yamasonto onke ukuze uhambisane nazo zonke izibuyekezo zekamu lethu.

June 24 - 28, 2024 

9 AM-1 PM

Ages 5-8


*Please note: Member discount will automatically apply at check out. You must have an active membership at the time of camp, be registered with the website and signed in at the time of registration to receive the discount.




Hello parents! I am thrilled to be teaching your children this week at summer camp! With years of experience in art education, I'm looking forward to creating and learning alongside our next generation of artists. 

2023 Camp Photos!

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